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 Ken Vandruff

Director of Communications





Feb. 16, 2012

For immediate release

Rolfe accepts COO position at Greater Houston CVB

(Wichita, Kan.) - John Rolfe, president and CEO of Go Wichita Convention & Visitors Bureau, announced his resignation today to accept a position as chief operations officer with the Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau in Houston, Texas.

Rolfe became Go Wichita president and CEO in 2001. Major conventions hosted during his tenure include the Women's International Bowling Congress, which brought 40,000 bowlers to Wichita, and the National Square Dance Convention®, which had an attendance of 7,000 square dance enthusiasts from across the country.

"I will truly miss Go Wichita, the Wichita community and the wonderful people who make this one of the greatest cities in the United States," Rolfe said. "At the same time, I look forward to this great opportunity in the nation's fourth largest city, Houston, Texas."

Rolfe has been a strong advocate for Wichita's travel and tourism industry and took an active role in the Project Downtown Master Plan and Visioneering Wichita process.

"John has been a true asset to Wichita and to the travel and tourism industry on a local, regional, state and national level," said Stephen Stewart, Go Wichita board chair. "We will certainly miss John's leadership, yet at the same time we wish John and his family much success in this new chapter in their lives."

Rolfe's last day at Go Wichita is scheduled for March 15.


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