
Ken Vandruff
Director of Communications & Marketing
phone 316.660.6305


Sandy Palmgren
State Director, National American Miss
phone 972.335.0635
Web site:


July 16, 2008

For immediate release



(Wichita, Kan.) - An expected 300 girls in five age groups from throughout Kansas will compete in the National American Miss Kansas pageant at the Hyatt Regency Wichita, Aug. 8-11, 2008.

Pageants are held for girls age four to 18 years old. The winner in each age group receives a $1,000 cash award and air transportation to compete in the national pageant in Anaheim, Calif. They also will enjoy a day for two in Disneyland and a tour through the streets of Hollywood, plus the opportunity to win a 2008 Ford Mustang convertible.

The National American Miss pageants are dedicated to celebrating America's greatness and encouraging its future leaders. Each year, the pageant awards thousands of dollars in scholarships and prizes to recognize and assist in the development of young women nationwide. All activities are age-appropriate and family-oriented. National American Miss encourages kids to be kids and makeup is not allowed on contestants age 12 and younger. Families interested in learning more about this unique and outstanding youth program may visit, or call the Kansas state director's office at 972.335.0635 to receive additional information.

The National American Miss pageants are for "Today's Girl" and "Tomorrow's Leaders." The pageant program is based on inner beauty, as well as poise and presentation, and offers an All-American spirit of fun for family and friends. Emphasis is placed on the importance of gaining self-confidence, learning new skills, learning good attitudes about competition, and setting and achieving personal goals. The pageant seeks to recognize the accomplishments of each girl while encouraging her to set goals for the future.

The pageants will be held in the Hyatt Regency's Grand Eagle Ballroom:

Saturday, Aug. 9

Princess (Ages 4-6) - 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Junior Pre-Teen (Ages 7-9) - 5:45-7:45 p.m.

Pre-Teen (Ages 10-12) - 8-10p.m.

Monday Aug. 11

Teen (Ages 16-18) - 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Junior Teen (ages 13-15) 7:15-9:15 p.m.

Admission is $15 a person; children under 3 years old are free. For more information about the National American Miss Kansas pageant, visit

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