Everyone deserves a cheat day no matter what diet you may or may not be trying to fulfill, so take National Eat What You Want Day seriously and enjoy whatever it is you have been craving this week on Friday, May 11.

Many nutritionists agree that a cheat day might just be what people need to stay focused and determined, so of course Visit Wichita is ready to offer some delicious “cheat day” options for you. With more than 1,000 restaurants throughout the city, here are just a few places you can get a sweet or savory treat:


Savory Treats


This is just a small list of what Wichita has to offer when it comes to sweet and savory treats. Wherever you go, be sure to indulge in a little dessert or go for the extra serving and treat yourself on National Eat What You Want Day at any of our Wichita restaurants. You deserve it!