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HiveMind Mastermind for Entrepreneurs

12:00 PM, February 19, 2025 | The Hive Wichita

Have you ever brainstormed with your friends and it leaves you buzzing with renewed energy and excitement? Imagine a room full of entrepreneurs all brainstorming and supporting each other to live out their dreams. That's what The HiveMind is all about.

HiveMind is a mastermind we hold at The Hive once a month during which we have a delicious chef-catered lunch and feature one woman in business (the Queen Bee). We help her solve three business challenges she's facing. Everyone raves about the value they get just from attending (even if they aren't the QB that month).

So what actually happens at the event? We focus all of our collective time, energy, and attention on the QB's business. As a mastermind group, we give our QB ideas, suggestions, referrals, and feedback that help her solve current challenges. A mini mastermind where we divide into breakout groups so everyone has a chance to be the focus will follow from 1 PM to 2 PM.

What’s so powerful about HiveMind? Mel Robbins sums it up perfectly, “What’s amazing about problems is the second that they escape your mouth, the person you were talking to is going to see something different than you see. They are going to layer on their experience. And the next thing you know they are going to give you all kinds of new things to think about or solutions or articles or things you could try. And that’s because they’re not stuck in the emotional frustration and weight of the issues that you’re dealing with. Your mind and body, it’s clouded by your frustration, but their mind? It’s clear. That’s why they can see all the things and help you have incredible realizations about what’s frustrating you. When you’re really honest and transparent about what you’re going through, you learn that you’re not alone in the struggles you’re facing and you’ll be shocked by how small you’ve been playing and how hard you’ve been on yourself.”

Want to bring a friend as a guest? Everyone's first Hive event is free! Just RSVP.

  • Admission:

    free for first time, $25 for additional visits

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  • Recurrence:

    Recurring monthly on the 3rd Wednesday

  • > 2025-02-19 HiveMind Mastermind for Entrepreneurs <p>Have you ever brainstormed with your friends and it leaves you buzzing with renewed energy and excitement? Imagine a room full of entrepreneurs all brainstorming and supporting each other to live out their dreams. That's what The HiveMind is all about.<br><br>HiveMind is a mastermind we hold at The Hive once a month during which we have a delicious chef-catered lunch and feature one woman in business (the Queen Bee). We help her solve three business challenges she's facing. Everyone raves about the value they get just from attending (even if they aren't the QB that month).<br><br>So what actually happens at the event? We focus all of our collective time, energy, and attention on the QB's business. As a mastermind group, we give our QB ideas, suggestions, referrals, and feedback that help her solve current challenges. A mini mastermind where we divide into breakout groups so everyone has a chance to be the focus will follow from 1 PM to 2 PM.<br><br>What’s so powerful about HiveMind? Mel Robbins sums it up perfectly, “What’s amazing about problems is the second that they escape your mouth, the person you were talking to is going to see something different than you see. They are going to layer on their experience. And the next thing you know they are going to give you all kinds of new things to think about or solutions or articles or things you could try. And that’s because they’re not stuck in the emotional frustration and weight of the issues that you’re dealing with. Your mind and body, it’s clouded by your frustration, but their mind? It’s clear. That’s why they can see all the things and help you have incredible realizations about what’s frustrating you. When you’re really honest and transparent about what you’re going through, you learn that you’re not alone in the struggles you’re facing and you’ll be shocked by how small you’ve been playing and how hard you’ve been on yourself.”<br><br>Want to bring a friend as a guest? Everyone's first Hive event is free! Just RSVP.</p> 200 N. Broadway Ave Wichita, KS America/Chicago
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