Great Plains Transportation Museum
The Great Plains Transportation Museum (GPTM) displays a wide assortment of railroad equipment. The two largest displays are Santa Fe steam locomotive #3768 and Santa Fe FP45 diesel #93. These locomotives are unique in our collection in that they represent the last class of passenger locomotives that were built for the Santa Fe railroad in their respective eras.
Indoor exhibits include railroad prints, signs, lanterns, tools and other artifacts including a mock-up mechanical stoker used for training steam locomotive personnel. Visit the Great Plains Transportation Museum to learn more about these and many other historical pieces and displays.
The museum is open Saturday year-round and Sunday, April-October. Or, make an appointment by calling the museum at 316-263-0944.

- Great Plains Transportation Museum
- 700 E. Douglas
- Wichita, KS 67202

- Days & Hours: APRIL - OCTOBER: Saturday 9am - 4pm; Sunday 1pm - 4pm NOVEMBER - MARCH: Saturday 9am - 4pm; Sunday Closed
- Credit Cards Accepted:
- Gift Shop:
- Guided Tours Available:
- Tour Length: 30 min. - 1 hour by appointment
- Group Min: 10
- Non-Smoking Facility:
- Not for Profit: