Extended Stay Hotels
Not only does Wichita have a large selection of extended-stay hotels to meet every budget, Wichita entrepreneur Jack DeBoer is recognized as the pioneer of the extended-stay and all-suite hotel concepts. He designed and built the first Residence Inn, an all-suite hotel, in downtown Wichita in 1975 and eventually sold the brand to Marriott Corporation. DeBoer’s influence is prevalent in chains like Candlewood Suites, Value Place, WoodSpring Suites and his latest and fifth national brand, WaterWalk Hotel Apartments. WaterWalk Hotel Apartments uniquely blends the best from extended-stay hotels and corporate apartments. Opened in 2014, the property offers all-inclusive unfurnished or fully furnished apartments and amenities of an upscale hotel.
Find plenty of other extended-stay hotels at a variety of price points ready to accommodate you for a few days or months.