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Gallery Alley
Gallery Alley was developed in 2017 as part of an ongoing effort to beautify and revitalize downtown Wichita. The temporary pilot project transformed an underutilized alley into a vibrant public space to promote people-oriented development and local art through a new urban design concept.
Located just west of the overhead railroad tracks along Douglas Avenue and nestled in between a row of popular local business like Old Mill Tasty Shop, Third Place Brewery and Paradise Donuts, the outdoor art gallery became a popular hangout to enjoy local art, live music from local musicians, and lunch on the outdoor furniture.
In 2021, Gallery Alley evolved and was reimagined once again. Downtown Wichita worked with Envision, a group focused on improving the quality of life for those who are visually impaired, to create intersensory art experiences in this space. Art installations for the next phase of the project were created by five local artists, providing a place that is inclusive for everyone to enjoy the creativity of Wichita artists and public art.
When at Gallery Alley, visitors can also find two of the newly painted Alley Doors, a community project in which local artists have repurposed downtown alley doors and turned them into urban pieces of art. One can be found in Gallery Alley and another is painted on the backdoor of Old Mill Tasty Shop.