Weddings and Reunions in Wichita
Visit Wichita can help make your special event memorable, whether it’s a wedding, a milestone anniversary or a family, school or military reunion. We’ll assist in finding the best venue, the right hotel, activities for guests and providers for catering, photography, décor and other services. We can even connect you with partner businesses who offer special discounts on the production of welcome banners, T-shirts and other swag.
Planning a wedding in the Heart of the Country? View our Wedding Planner Guide for inspiration and assistance.
We offer an array of complimentary services to make your event a success:
- Planning checklist
- Hotel selection support
- Family-friendly attraction recommendations
- Tour planning
- Dining and catering assistance
To start planning today, contact one of our friendly sales managers, request a free Meeting Planner Guide or complete a Request for Proposal.