Hofrenning elected to TIAK board of directors
Contact: Ken Vandruff Director of Communications kvandruff@gowichita.com 316.660.6305 Dec. 21, 2010 For immediate release Hofrenning elected to TIAK board of directors (Wichita, Kan.) - Maureen…
Contact: Ken Vandruff Director of Communications kvandruff@gowichita.com 316.660.6305 Dec. 21, 2010 For immediate release Hofrenning elected to TIAK board of directors (Wichita, Kan.) - Maureen…
Contact: Tom Little American Rabbit Breeders Association tlittle11@att.net 316.664.4389 Nov. 17, 2010 For immediate release Wichita to host American Rabbit Breeders Association in 2012 (Wichita…
Contact: Ken Vandruff Susan Burchill Director of Communications Director of Marketing Go Wichita Wichita Festivals, Inc. kvandruff@gowichita.com susan@wichitafestivals.com 316.660.6305 316…
Contact: Ken Vandruff Director of Communications kvandruff@gowichita.com 316.660.6305 Aug. 31, 2010 For immediate release Open house celebrates new Go Wichita website (Wichita, Kan.) - Go Wichita…
Contact: Ken Vandruff Director of Communications kvandruff@gowichita.com 316.660.6305 July 29, 2010 For immediate release Wichita wins competition for multiple conventions (Wichita, Kan.)…
Contact: Ken Vandruff Director of Communications kvandruff@visitwichita.com 316.660.6305 May 3, 2010 For immediate release Wichitans Selling Wichita to Visitors (Wichita, Kan.) The new 30 th…
Contact: Ken Vandruff Director of Communications kvandruff@visitwichita.com 316.660.6305 April 28, 2010 For immediate release National Travel & Tourism Week Luncheon and Panel Discussion…
Contact: Ken Vandruff Director of Communications kvandruff@visitwichita.com 316.660.6305 April 16, 2010 For immediate release Food - another one of Wichita's best-kept secrets (Wichita, Kan)…
Contact: Ken Vandruff Director of Communications kvandruff@visitwichita.com 316.660.6305 March 12, 2010 For immediate release 2010 Historic Wichita Trolley Tour schedule announced (Wichita…
Contact: Ken Vandruff Director of Communications kvandruff@visitwichita.com 316.660.6305 Jan. 14, 2010 For immediate release Wichita heats up during winter's chill (Wichita, Kan.) - The official…